
  1. Tutorial Menu Sidebar Improvement


    The menu sidebar that appears on our tutorials will now remember whether you want it collapsed or not! For example, if you collapse the sidebar on page 1 of the tutorial, when you go to page 2 it will be collapsed automatically. If you expand it on page 4, when you go to page 5 it will be expanded automatically. It's a minor thing, but a pretty nice convenience. Enjoy!


  2. New Format for Teaching Listener Responding to Children with Autism


    Teaching Listener Responding to Children with Autism has been upgraded to our brand-new tutorial format! If you were in the middle of completing this tutorial and find that you are not able to advance to the next section correctly, the solution is simple: log out and log back in. When you log in again, the system should automatically update your progress to the new format and allow you to continue where you left off. Contact our helpdesk if you have questions or problems.


  3. New Format for ABA Terminology for Effective Practice


    ABA Terminology for Effective Practice has been upgraded to our brand-new tutorial format! If you were in the middle of completing this tutorial and find that you are not able to advance to the next section correctly, the solution is simple: log out and log back in. When you log in again, the system should automatically update your progress to the new format and allow you to continue where you left off. Contact our helpdesk if you have questions or problems.


  4. New format for Mastering the Basics of Visual Analysis


    Mastering the Basics of Visual Analysis has been upgraded to our brand-new tutorial format! If you were in the middle of completing this tutorial and find that you are not able to advance to the next section correctly, the solution is simple: log out and log back in. When you log in again, the system should automatically update your progress to the new format and allow you to continue where you left off. Contact our helpdesk if you have questions or problems.

  5. New Format for An Introduction to Verbal Behavior


    An Introduction to Verbal Behavior has been upgraded to our brand-new tutorial format! If you were in the middle of completing this tutorial and find that you are not able to advance to the next section correctly, the solution is simple: log out and log back in. When you log in again, the system should automatically update your progress to the new format and allow you to continue where you left off. Contact our helpdesk if you have questions or problems.


  6. New Format for An Introduction to Relational Frame Theory


    Our flagship tutorial, An Introduction to Relational Frame Theory, has a brand new format that we think you'll love! Some highlights of this new format include:

    • Your progress is now saved at the page or topic level, not just the lesson level. This means you can leave or log out and return to the exact same place in the tutorial without worrying about your progress being lost!
    • You can comment on each page of a tutorial (rather than just the entire lesson), allowing for more focused and meaningful discussion.
    • Audio narration can autoplay! This feature depends on your device and browser settings.
    • You can quickly access any page of the tutorial directly from the tutorial menu.

    If you were in the middle of completing this tutorial and find that you are not able to advance to the next section correctly, the solution is simple: log out and log back in. When you log in again, the system should automatically update your progress to the new format and allow you to continue where you left off.

    We will be rolling out this new format for the rest of our tutorials in the coming months, too!


  7. New and Improved CEU Summary Report


    We've just released an updated version of our CEU Summary Report with improved formatting, more information, and links to certificates of completion. This will help you track and submit all of your CEU information like a BOSS! Or at least like a regular person who is finding it somewhat easier to accomplish these tasks. Either way, we think you'll like it.

    CHECK IT OUT →  


  8. Duplicate a Coursepack Now Available

    New Feature

    If you are an instructor who uses FoxyLearning coursepacks to supplement your teaching, you will be delighted to learn that we now allow you to duplicate a coursepack! This will be especially helpful if you teach multiple sections of the same course or if you teach the same course across multiple semesters or years.



  9. Updates to Mastering the Basics of Visual Analysis


    We've just released a significant update to our popular multimedia tutorial, Mastering the Basics of Visual Analysis by Katie Wolfe and Timothy Slocum. Based on user feedback and to make the instruction more clear and socially valid, the tutorial now focuses on teaching the user to discriminate whether there is a basic effect (a change in either slope or level that is different from the prediction on the previous phase). Previously, the tutorial focused on the discrimination between slope and level change. These changes primarily impact Lesson 4 and the final quiz of the tutorial. We also added brand-new, high-quality audio narration throughout!


